Dr. William Woods

Doctor William Woods is a third generation Cleric of the Apostolic-Pentecostal Perspective who acknowledged his calling to Christian Ministry while in his late teens, just prior to graduating from Erie Community College. He is also an Army Veteran, having served from 1965 – 1968. He and his wife of forty years, Doctor J. Brittany Woods are Co-Prelates of International Houses of Intercession and Warrior Bride In Intercession Ministries; now, also named Prophetic Deliverance Centers. Both are Registered Chaplains, Christian, Clinical Counselors and Members of The National Christian Counselors Association.

More of their recent publications, seminars and those being prepared for future release, from the Counselors’ Perspective, concern the subjects of Marriage and Family Dynamics; (The Two Shall Be One); Grief, Sorrow and Trauma Recovery; (Comfort From Heaven); Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions, and Giving Thanks, Dynamics, (I TIM 2:1; Answered Prayer From A Loving God and Your Divine Assignment); Soul Winning (Personal Evangelism) and Ministerial Dynamics; (Sermon Preparation and Presentation).